Friday, February 1

Exercise from A to G: Apps to Games

If there's something I tried that you never tried, please leave a review in the comments!

Apps: The following apps have either been tried by AR blogger, Robbi, or our readers. If you have a smartphone, mobile apps are super easy because they can be synced with music on your phone or you can challenge friends in your contacts. Plus, you never have the excuse that you don't have the equipment because most oft hese apps need little to no equipment for you to successfully complete the workout. Did I mention that each of these are free?

  • Couch25K (4/5)
  • MyFitness Pal (5/5)
  • NTC (Nike Training Club) (5/5)
  • Nike+ (3/5)

Bracelets: These wristbands are designed to be worn throughout the day and through the combination of web/mobile apps, you can track how many calories you consumed, steps taken, or calories burned. They can be a little pricey but can also make you much more away of what you do each day.
  • FitBit (never tried)
  • Nike Fuel Band (never tried)

Games: Here comes the fun! With most of these games, you don't even realize you're working out. Those like Nike+, Zumba + Dance Central have fitness modes where you can track the calories you burned per session. However you would need to buy or already have purchased the game console and the game. But kids and adults love them!

  • Hip Hop Dance Experience (5/5)
  • Dance Central (4/5)
  • Just Dance 4 (never tried)
  • Zumba (4/5)
  • Nike+ Training with Kinect (5/5)


  1. My physical trainer started making me use myfitnesspal this week. Its legit!

  2. Nice. I didn't know you had a physical trainer. And yes, it's too legit!
