Tuesday, October 9

Uncuffing Season

September marks the end of summer flings and the beginning of cuffing season. Cuffing season, when people start "experimenting" to try and find their cuddle buddies and 8 month mates.

I'm slightly exaggerating here, but lessons can be learned from cuffing season. Specifically, there is a time for certain people in your life. While I oppose cuffing season, I wholeheartedly agree with uncuffing season. Like my friend (in my head) Wendy Williams, I believe it is perfectly okay to de-friend people in real life. Two years ago, I had a group of friends who I hung out with all the time until one day they lied and deeply betrayed my trust. Instead of expecting them to and waiting for them to gain my trust back, I figured it'd be easiest to cut them off from me.

Looking back, I realize this was a great decision. Everything is for a season, including friends. I have noted that people change - personalities, morals, and priorities. When these don't align with the standards you have for your life, I think it's perfectly okay to uncuff them from your life.

Am I wrong here?


  1. Great post! Haha "uncuffing season".
    I think it's also important to remember that not all friends are good for every situation. For example don't rely on a friend that you only party with to hold you down when you really need them. Keep that party friend as a party friend and don't expect anymore or less from them.

  2. I agree with KiKi. Do not hold friends to high standards. People are who they are and if you can put up with them continue your friendship but if you cannot its okay to move in a different direction.

    Nice post Robin!
