Thursday, December 6

I Graduated. Is My Social Life Over?

Adults say college is the best four (to six) years of your life. In college, you think it can only get better. However, after you graduate you begin to realize that having all of your friends, bars and food within a 5 minute vicinity will never happen again. What do you do when your friends get their own apartments and live 20-30 minutes away, or even across the country? How can you get your social life back?!

One site I recommend is No, it's not a creepy dating site and won't land you on Catfish. It's a site full of people with a wide range of interests from Salsa dancing to natural hair to thrifting to hip hop enthusiasts. You can search for meetup groups pertaining to your interests based on zip code, allowing you to find exciting new events in your area. All of the events are in public places, so it's not creepy. I met tons of new friends at the last hair meetup I've attended and still keep in contact with them. They're great sources for questions or advice about new hair styles and products to try. Start out with one meetup and see how you like it.

Next, try not to hang with the same group of friends all the time. One, that could get boring and two,
how will you ever meet new people. Develop friends across different domains. I have a grad school group, an undergrad group and a childhood group of friends. Each group likes to do different things for fun and keep my life exciting! Aim for 2-3 different domains and develop groups of friends in each.

Travelling is one of the best presents you can give yourself.  Not only is it a way to visit new places, but is a good way to visit friends and experience new things.   This year members from AlumniRow visited friends in places throughout California, Arizona, Texas, Florida and more.  "It was definitely a blast to visit new places and attractions while visiting my friends.  Being able to see how successful my friends were was a treat and being in a new area completely different from the East Coast gave me an appreciation for the area I was in, " says Whitney from AlumniRow.  Yes, whether it is 300 miles or 3,000 miles away travelling can definitely add to your life.

Have a reliable and trustworthy friend? Do they have cute friends that you may or may not know about? Ask them to set you up on a blind date. If you don't end up dating the guy or girl, you can still remain friends! Think it's creepy? Ask for a group blind date where your friend and their significant other go with you.

If all else fails, be friendly and expecting nothing in return. You just may stumble upon a friend or two in line at the grocery store or at Zumba class. 

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