Thursday, March 8

Not in School Anymore? Finding Work a little Under-STIMULATING? OR Just need something new?

Pick up a book and read.

Reading for pleasure is something that I have not been able to do as much as I would have liked in undergrad. It was not until I graduated that I was able to start reading for leisure again. It all started with this video.

After listening to Chiamanda Adiche captivating speak about the Danger of a Single Story. I said to myself “if she can write half as well as she speaks her books would be nothing short of amazing." So I ordered, Chiamada Adiche’s Half of the Yellow Sun which I have since finished and now have moved onto what I believe is her first novel entitled Purple Hibiscus. What I enjoy most about reading is how your mind can be active in your body's most passive state. Since you are constantly thinking about how things will unveil themselves as the plot unfolds and imagining what characters may/may not look like. Reading also allows us to understand/see things from different perspectives which we often take for granted  in everyday life and venture to places that we may not have the luxury of time/money to do so. So next time you making purchases at Amazon or you are close to a library don’t hesitate to pick a book. Think of it as a gift to yourself or an extremely discounted vacation.

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